Photo Challenge || It's the Little Things
Domestic Still Life
We've been adding a lot of blogging to this site recently and we're adding one more feature! Shooting scheduled sessions is always nice but sometimes just dragging out the camera and playing around is just plain ol' no pressure fun. Through the summer, when it's too hot to shoot much outside in the Phoenix heat, we'll start posting some personal photo challenges.
This week take a look around the house and snap a domestic still life. A little vignette that makes you smile and feels like home. To me homecooked meals mean home. Chicken stew on Christmas Eve, summer BBQs with cousins, smoothie breakfasts on the porch swing . . . I'm also a collector of white ceramics. I once helped unload a box for a vendor at a local swap meet and scored a collection of beautiful large white bowls! (My mom is a garage-sale and she instilled the love of treasure hunting in me!)
I'm not sure yet how you can share your photo, but I think I'll post a flickr group and we can all share our challenge photos there. I'll post sharing instructions soon. For now, take the challenge and appreciate the little things at home!
UPDATE: email me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to request an invite to join our flickr group. We'll be sharing our photo entries at